T910, Modbus to WirelessHART DIN Rail Mounted Converter
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Modbus to WirelessHART DIN Rail Mounted Converter, T910
The T910 is DIN rail mounted module for interfacing Modbus RTU instruments to a WirelessHART network.
It us a configurable WirelessHART slave with a Modbus Master. It publishes variables and status indicators from the Modbus device over the WirelessHART network. The Modbus RTU communication is over RS485. The device can also be delivered with a solution for Modbus TCP. T910 has a 24V supply voltage and has LEDs for power, join status, bursting and Modbus traffic and Modbus termination. On the front panel there is a connector for a handheld configurator. The T910 is based on Fint's embedded WirelessHART converter, the T810.
The T910 interface allows up to 8 device variables (floating point or integer) and an extensive array of device status indicators to be passed from the Modbus device over the WirelessHART network.
The T910 includes a wired HART communication channel to provision the device for joining the WirelessHART network and configure the strategy for publishing variables.
T910 can be configured to publish measurements according to a time schedule or level triggered. T910 can also be configured to publish events. Four Burst command configurations are supported. The Real Time Clock is active when connected to a WirelessHART network.
The T910 is intended for integration of existing Modbus instruments into a WirelessHART network. Examples are manufacturers of measurement devices, detectors, and analyzers who want to offer WirelessHART capabilities in their Modbus instruments.